Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Fairy Tale

I always believe that our physical beauty reflects what kind of beauty we keep our inner world. I don’t mean models, long legs or perfect shapes. The point is eyes and smiling beauty.

I was thinking that I’m getting a more beautiful smile because I’m getting better everyday. Then, I met her. Maybe this is a kind of warning from God: ‘You are not enough good to have a beautiful smile, I will show you the real one.

She was the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever seen.

Everybody has her or his own stories like everyone has different worlds. The most beautiful woman in my life and I have almost the same stories. We’d grown up in very close cultures. Even we loved our cultures we found ourselves in the USA somehow. We departed to change our fate or something had already been changed in our fate. We always have the same pains for our countries and our people’s fates. The downside of the living in a foreign country for a while is that you alienate yourself to your own culture. She was always from the East, and doesn’t forget that. We are dreaming of the same beautiful future for our countries and our people are the shining in our eyes and smiles.

Her name means as the holy voice, Neda. Well, we sometimes call some people as ‘sea eyes.’ Neda’s eyes are different, her eyes are like an ocean. If you look at them you can discover a lot of things within their depth. You can see how to be a perfect parent for three kids, you can see how to be perfect at your job, and the most important one is… You can see how to triumph at all problems with love. For me everything about her included in love, clemency and beauty. And everything is so impressive about her like the fairy tales in my childhood that my daddy told me. I will stay with her as long as possible, and hopefully I will take some charm from her.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When You’re Gone

It has been two weeks since you took your love away my Swiss Angel…

Sometimes someone joins our lives. I’ve been a very lucky person for the second part of my Houston life about the people who join in my life. She was the first one.

A tearful night... I’ve nowhere to sleep. I’ve no one to trust. Then she called me. ‘If you still couldn’t find a place, come to my place.’ I went. It was the most comfortable night for me in Houston. I felt like I’m in my family house. She hadn’t just opened her home door; she has opened the door of her life and I love every detail about her.

Time is fast. She came together with her Alpines two weeks ago by leaving a lot of streaks throughout on my personality. It was very difficult, tearful nights… But I know there is another time we will do something together again. At least I have still two more wish keys in my hometown. And after my wishes become true we will throw them together in a beautiful lake in Switzerland or Istanbul bosphorus.

The Sea

The initials of her names and surname constitute Sea. She looks like a deep, crystal, clear, turquoise sea. She is the youngest member of our angel club. You can fall in love easily with her when you first meet. Her energy and enthusiasm are adorable. My Sea has lots of stories and each one of those have own lessons. The most important thing I’ve gotten from her, ‘if you have enough time, enjoy it and love your life’. I made it my motto. Now I love my life as much as love my Sue Ellen.

The Ring

Nine months ago, I made a deal with my life. It was time to be international. My English had always made me unhappy. It was the only barrier in my way from the world that was waiting to be discovered. To not know English is to not know the world. I thought if I could learn English, I would discover the world. I would discover my inner world. The only thing that needed to be done was to pack my suitcase. This was the challenge of my life.

I’ve been an international person for 6.5 months. Although everything had been planned, I had made the wrong choice about where to stay in Houston. I had trusted the wrong people, and peace could not find me. So, I decided to find it. I needed to make a new deal because life was teaching again. If you want to change your life and remove your barriers, you have to plan each detail very well. This was the beginning of the change in my inner world. To lose trust and money has made me more powerful. I have an idea about how people feel when they don’t know the place where they wake up and where they sleep. I have an idea about being homeless. I became a better person. Then a new period began, I enjoy helping people. The easiest way to learn a new language is to blend in with that culture and I have had enough time to learn the American culture. I have begun to work as a volunteer in a garden. This is more than to learn the names of fruit and vegetables, I have also learned to how to help people that I have never met, and how it makes me feel very happy. This gave me much peace and my nickname butterfly.

My beginning was not very nice. But negative things have caused positive things. If you really make this point of view, your life becomes easier. I have done!

My favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings. This movie shows us, we have a talent from the birth to catch our goals. The only thing that we have to know is how to use it. Frodo has a ring on his neck. His goal is to take the ring to the right place. He has some ups and downs in this mission. I had had a ring on my neck.

Before I came here, I was a person who could not sleep without her mother. Now I can sleep alone. I have learned how to be careful spending money or how to cook like my mother. I have been learning how to survive, despite of all of my downs. I have realized my talents.
I’ve been collecting lots of things; friendships, experiences, lots of love and proud… I will bring back all of them to my country, and keep them my whole life.

Being an international is a little different, being a stranger or a tourist in another country. If you live in another country for a while and meet people around the world, share your life, sadness, lameness, happiness with these people you become international. Now I have a home in Brazil, Colombia, Russia, Mexico, Taiwan, Korea, Switzerland. All of my friends have a home in Turkey, as well.

Today classes have been finished. I don’t like these words: ‘goodbye’, ‘farewell’. I prefer to say, ‘see you another time’. There is always another time, and every another time is a new beginning. This is a circle. I am inside the circle.

Today I got rid off my ring.

And have I said before; all of them have happened by an overnight decision.

Thanks Natalia Laverde for the butterfly picture.